Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Heresy Snowboards

Heresy is a great little rider-driven board & clothing brand based in Melbourne, Australia.
You won't find them in shops, their gear is largely limited edition, they do custom boards & the whole vibe of the company is just rad!
I've been riding Heresy boards for a little over a year, and I have been so totally impressed with how they ride that I've gotten on board as the NSW rep for the company- if you want more info on the brand new gear for this season, get in touch at joshc@heresysnowboarding.com!

Here's a snapshot of me riding my 07 board in Japan earlier this year..

(cheers to Matty Stone for the photo!)

Monday, May 26, 2008

Blue Mountains Photo Workshop

Last weekend I had the pleasure of teaching a 1-day landscape photography workshop in the Blue Mountains. The weather wasn't being altogether friendly, but we managed to get a few shots & everyone learned a lot. I just wish that the workshops were longer, there's so much information to pass on & so little time!
Here are a few quick shots I took of the class in action...

Thursday, May 22, 2008

The Orphan Works Bill- those pesky Yanks are at it again!

You may have heard the name being thrown around lately? Good reason for that- it's worse news than a preist in a preschool and if something isn't done it will just go right ahead and have us creative-folk lined up & touching our toes.
Check out this primer video for the real deal;

Send a letter to Congress to STOP this bill!

The Buzz!

I hope that buzz never fades, that tingly excitement when you see your hard work in print!
I just ducked up to the post box & picked up the latest Outer Edge magazine, with a 7-pager I wrote on back country ski/boarding in NSW. Grab your copy for the lowdown!

This is the first time I've written something & not shot the photos to go with it, which I will say feels a bit wierd...a big thanks to Dave Bateman & Neil Monteith for supplying the photographs, you fellas did a wonderful job!

Macca: Enter stage left...

Reminiscing about the Buffalo shoot last winter got me thinking about some of the adventure I've had with Macca. He is a hard-core aid climber and pretty much owns Dog Face these days... Dog Face (Malatia Pt, Blue Mountains) is an imposing sandstone cliff that was formed in the 1930's by a huge landslide, thus it has the structural integrity of an eroded sand dune. Even abseiling down it often causes HUGE rock avalanches. The place scares me, it scares everyone, but Macca loves it.
So one day we decided to get some photos of Macca onsight solo-aiding a new route on the Dog. He was successful in completing the 2nd pitch of the route (a 7 hour ordeal) but the 3rd (top) pitch looked bad, REAL bad, even by Doggie standards. Macca looked excited.
I quietly explained I had all the photos I wanted. He understood my concern for his safety & we bailed to his house in Katoomba, where we hung out for a while & ended up doing an interview for CRUX magazine (where I was working as the Photo Editor at the time).

So anyway, here's the interview & check out some of the photos right over..... here!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008


I have been in the office all week getting the 'behind the photos' work done, so no new shoots unfortunately. I have a bit more time next week & a few shoots to fill that time, until then I thought I'd post something out of the files to spice this page up a little...

Here's a few photos from a feature I did for Outer Edge magazine (for the Feb-Mar 08 issue). It was quite an epic little shoot following my two mates Dave Gliddon & Julian Bell up a 4-day winter ascent of 'Ozymandias Direct' on the North Wall of Buffalo Gorge. It barely stopped snowing/sleeting/raining/hailing the entire time, so keeping my camera gear dry while mucking about with ropes proved quite a challenge!
My travelling/portaledge buddy for the shoot was Macciza MacPherson, who was filming the whole adventure.
The ascent was a 'little' more epic for the fact that I had a very painful back (to the point of hallucinating from pain) which turned out to be a snowboarding injury- verdict: several fractured spinal disks. It certainly made hauling the bags 'uncomfortable'!
We gave a slideshow in Katoomba (Blue Mountains) shortly after the ascent which was great fun.

Check out some of the photos here, and an excerpt from the story here.

Monday, May 19, 2008


So I've finally gone and joined the blogging rage, I'm pretty hip like that.
I aim to post little stories & a few from my shoots so you fine people can check out the latest & greatest as it all goes down.

To start things off...
Several weeks ago I was asked to shoot the wedding of my good friends Simon Carter & Monique Forestier. I was a bit apprehensive seeing as I had never shot a wedding before, but it all came together nicely & we had a great day.